
How should political and public affairs issue advertisers craft their messages to best navigate the new social media landscape? Today, consumers are awash in content, and it’s harder than ever to grab their attention with a compelling message.

But when it comes to the political and public affairs space, perhaps no single individual has taken more advantage of social media messaging than President Trump. His trademark tweets drive the conversation, and they offer advertisers and communicators some important and useful lessons when it comes to composing social media communications and targeting key audiences. Here are three simple Trump-inspired rules for social media success:

  1. Stay on brand. Everyone knows a Trump tweet when they see one, and that’s no accident. With the oversaturation of today’s online world, it’s more important than ever to remain consistent in both messaging and branding. Organizations that hone their voice and deliver relevant, focused, social media content that stays true to their brand have a greater chance at developing relationships with consumers and standing out in their newsfeeds.

  2. Be bold. Consumers are constantly scrolling. Political and public affairs issue advertisers must grab their attention with big, bold messaging as quickly as they can to keep them from scrolling past their content. Organizations that communicate boldly, clearly, and forcefully with audiences have a far greater likelihood of capturing consumers’ attention and driving the conversation.

  3. Know your audience. The savviest communicators know their intended audiences inside and out – what their social media activity looks like, the type of content they engage with, and the platforms they frequent. Having a clear understanding of the target consumer audience gives advertisers a significant leg up in both crafting and distributing social media content and increases the likelihood that the target audience will engage. You can write the perfect tweet or produce the perfect video – but if you’re not crafting and releasing it with the right audiences in mind, it’ll be just another drop in the ocean of content. 

Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Snapchat. Reddit. The list of social media platforms goes on and on, with new apps being designed every day and new opportunities for advertisers to get their message in front of intended audiences. Keeping in mind these simple Trump-inspired messaging guidelines can make all the difference when planning a social media campaign in today’s oversaturated communications environment. 

Jamestown Public Affairs – Advocacy. Strategy. Political Insight.